mecklenburg county candidates 2022
mecklenburg county candidates 2022

City council District 7 rep, 2013-present; vice chair, Economic Development and Budget committees, Financial advisor; former board member, Goodwill Industries of the Southern Piedmont, Communities in Schools, and Blumenthal Performing Arts, Small government, job creation, transparency, Mecklenburg County commissioner at-large, 2020-present; chair of BOCC Performance Review Committee, 2020-present; Mecklenburg County Democratic Party Precinct 9 chair, 2017-2020, Public health, parks and greenways, reducing gun violence, Mecklenburg County commissioner at-large, 2014-present; Democratic National Convention superdelegate, 2016, Blumenthal Performing Arts Center, trustee, Employment, schools, housing & homelessness, CMS Board of Education at-large member, 1988-2003; chair of CMS Board of Education, 1997-2002; chair of Charlotte Black Political Caucus, 2017-2019, Affordable housing, parks and greenways, economic equity, CMS Board of Education at-large member 2019-present, International House Director of Education, 2019; CPCC instructor, 2001-2012, Education, economic development, environmental stewardship/parks, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee, 2019-present, Concierge Business, Political and Education Consulting founder, 2020-present, Food insecurity, minority and women-owned small businesses, Women in Power Inc. founder, 2014-present; Palisades Park Elementary PTSA vice president, Affordable housing, housing & homelessness, economic development, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee member, 2021-present, Executive assistant at The Museum of Russian Art, 2017-2018; instructor at Virtuoso School of Music & Art, 2018-present, District 1 Mecklenburg County commissioner, 2019-present; Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners vice chair, 2019-present; Environmental Stewardship Committee chair, 2019-present; Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Commission chair, 2010-2018; Natural Resources Stewardship Advisory Council chair, 2010-2018; Mecklenburg County Waste Management Advisory Board member, 2001-2009, Public education, economic growth, sustainability, District 2 Mecklenburg County Commissioner, 2008-present; CMS Board of Education member, 1997-2008; CMS Policy Committee vice chair, dates unavailable; Small Business Consortium Group founder, 2011, Former teacher, North Carolina Association of Educators, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Association of Educators, Reid Park Academy P.T.O. What will you do to ensure that adequate resources (funding, staff, land) are available to accelerate land acquisition and construction of parks, greenways, and nature preserves? Susan Rodriguez-McDowell (D, District 6)(i): I have been a member of the Environmental Stewardship Committee from it's inception and in fact supported it's creation. I will always remember when I had Chinese high school students who lived with me, and they had never repeat never seen the stars or the moon because of air pollution. I also advocated hard years ago for identifying markers so if a person had heart attack or accident, Medic would be able to find the injured person. Leigh Altman (D, At-Large)(i): I strongly support the need to secure a local funding source to build the TMN and am actively working to promote areas of agreement between our partners who need to be at the table to make this a reality. ODQ0Y2M0NDAxYzRlYjdjMDlmYTExNGI4MzQ0M2M1ZDhiYTlhMmJjNGQwMTVm NGVlNWViYWRjM2RjNzBlODMwZDBlOTNhNmM2NzAzZTY3ZGRhYTM3OTFlMzY1 I look forward to hearing from staff regarding the considerations around faster land acquisition and to provide the necessary resources to the Managers Office to speed the process. I believe a local funding source is vital to the long-term sustainability of transportation and mobility infrastructure in our community. The community and residents would also see an improvement in overall physical and mental health, as residents would no longer be left in isolation and confined to their current footprint. Courtesy of the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections. I also advocated hard years ago for identifying markers so if a person had heart attack or accident, Medic would be able to find the injured person. The investment/funding would also provide a level of equity for our under-served communities and populations, increased access to housing, employment opportunities and positively impact the environment. I would support the whole program. afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. Please note that school board races are nonpartisan and the candidates listed have been endorsed by the MeckGOP. I have been invited and I attended conferences with Air Quality Engineers (before Covid) to learn more about air quality not only outside but in tall buildings and schools. Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden held on to his seat Tuesday, receiving 51% of the vote in the Democratic primary. Terms & Privacy Policy:, PAID FOR BY THE NORTH CAROLINA REPUBLICAN PARTYNOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATES COMMITTEE, PARA OBTENER UNA VERSIN EN ESPAOL DE NUESTRA GUA PARA VOTANTES HAGA, U.S. House of Representatives District 12, U.S. House of Representatives District 14. Y2M4M2JhNjdkN2IzZmEwMDg1NzhjMGZjODQ0OTAxNDJlZTA2NDE1YTg0MjRm For example, gas stations or manufacuring plants must have a permit for emissions which the County monitors. Again, this is a city issue so I would like to listen to what they think as they have more information than I do. All seats are partisan and are for 2-year terms (elections occur in even years). Now that candidacy filing has closed and new dates are set, were looking at one of the most jam-packed local election years in recent memory, with city elections starting in spring followed by county, state and national elections in the fall (pending any further court appeals to the Feb. 23 court decision approving congressional maps). I have been invited and I attended conferences with Air Quality Engineers (before Covid) to learn more about air quality not only outside but in tall buildings and schools. You may view a list of candidates and see your election ballot at I believe the county should follow through with their plan to have a net-zero carbon fleet by 2035, and our buildings should have environmentally-friendly designs, as well as transition to net-zero carbon in our facilities. I talked to several Council members who told me the staff did the report. Yes, I do support the Park & Recreation Commission request and I plan on bringing a request that is slightly more than what they asked for, such as a $40-50 million in land acquisition investments. Our community journalism helps inform you through a range of diverse voices. "I am deeply concerned about climate change brought on by human activity. As a County Commissioner, I will continue to support policy and funding that promotes walkable communities, greenway expansion and advocacy through our legislative agenda. And I support the general notion of improving transportation and mobility assets for our residents. Six Democrats are running to be an At-Large representative on the Mecklenburg County Commission. Unos Tacos CLT, 4200 South Blvd. There are over 20 early voting sites across Mecklenburg County, including Bank of America Stadium in Uptown Charlotte, where you can cast your ballot . But for me, in addition to the above important and necessary work, I believe we have a fundamental imperative to be successful in the TMN buildout. We encourage you to research the candidates and determine your candidate(s) of choice. I look forward to hearing from staff regarding the considerations around faster land acquisition and to provide the necessary resources to the Managers Office to speed the process. You may download and share our 2022 MeckGOP voter guide by clicking here. The filing deadline for this election was March 4, 2022. I represent the towns and North Meck had paid the tax for 20 years and received no new roads. I will continue to vote for funding to electrify the county's fleet and reduce harmful emissions. MDhjYjY3ZWIxN2NhZGQ5YTZhNzZiM2U2NjU0YWEzN2I1YWFlM2JjZDA3NzA1 I will advocate for adequate staff for park & rec staff and for wages designed to retain and attract employees to our park assets. In-person early voting for the 2022 general election began Oct. 20 in North Carolina and will end on Nov. 5. Dec 7, 2021 0 CHARLOTTE -- The Mecklenburg County Board of Elections opened filing for the 2022 election on Dec. 6, attracting candidates for Charlotte City Council and the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners. I represent the towns and North Meck had paid the tax for 20 years and received no new roads. Second, Mecklenburg County administers grants that help remove vehicles and off-road equipment using diesel and replace them with more efficient vehicles. The Constitution of Virginia requires that every ten years, local governments "reapportion the representation in the governing body among the districts in a manner provided by law" (Article VII, Section 5). Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. It's long past time to act, and I plan to continue to be an advocate for the preservation and acquisition of green space in Mecklenburg County. When the city came to us about two years ago-the presenter could not answer my questions as to why the was not invited to participate until it was done, and they needed funding. Arthur Griffin Jr. (D, At-Large): "Although 51% of Mecklenburg's workforce comes from outside of the county, I still support most efforts to increase economic development opportunities for our city, county and region. Last year the Charlotte Moves Task Force recommended an investment in a transformational mobility network (TMN) of transportation projects and proposed a funding strategy for the network that centers on a One Cent for Mobility countywide sales tax. For example, gas stations or manufacuring plants must have a permit for emissions which the County monitors. Check back here for a continuation of comprehensive listings including all candidates running to represent the Charlotte area on this page. Third, the County ensures regulatory compliance with air-quality related permitting. OGIxZTk2ODM0NzQ2ZjYzMDg4ZjI1NTdlZGUyNzJhMTUwMWRhOWZiN2IwNWZh The single largest source of carbon emissions within County government operations is our buildings far more than our fleet. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. NGI0ODU2NjlhMjA2YThmYmViM2U0YWU1ZjBkZDA5MTM1MjBmZmQ2M2U1NzE3 National sales director, Inhabit; Eagle Scout and assistant scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America. Transportation falls under the city. Download and share the guides with your likeminded friends and family, reminding them to get out and vote! Jeremy Brasch (R, District 6): I support applying for federal funding for county projects when the finding criteria benefits our residents. I would like guarantees for North Meck. To support the Environmental Leadership Policy with specific emphasis on green construction for the county and its partners, electric vehilces, and targeted resident education about climate change. Charlotte and Mecklenburg elections who's running: NC Supreme Court Seat 03: Lucy Inman (D), Richard Dietz (R) NC Supreme Court Seat 05: Samuel Ervin IV (D), April C. Wood (R), Trey Allen (R). It is imperative that we create a plan that includes specific ways to incentivize positive behaviors, establish goals, reduce barriers to progress, ensure accountability and educate residents. And I support the general notion of improving transportation and mobility assets for our residents. It's long past time to act, and I plan to continue to be an advocate for the preservation and acquisition of green space in Mecklenburg County. To keep up with this rapid growth and provide adequate recreational resurces, we must respond with commensurate funding for acquisition of . "Air quality is extremely important to ensure a high quality of life for Mecklenburg County residents. We simply do not have a choice. MTU4NmE1ZDMxZjM4YWQyNTlmYTAxMWUzYzliNmVlZGFhMjJjNDllODBjMWZl Some candidates, including Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden and District Attorney Spencer Merriweather, do not have competition in the general election. A judicial vacancy election of the Mecklenburg County Bar (the 26th Judicial District Bar) will be conducted electronically February 17, 2023 through March 3, 2023 to select a nominee for a district court vacancy resulting from Judge Donald Cureton's recent appointment to superior court. Yjg0ZmFiZGNjOTgwMzM1Zjc4YmIzZDM5M2E5ZmMwZDI5M2M4MDVlNGU3ZDM3 District 37 (Wake): Christine Kelly District 40 (Wake): Joe John District 41 (Wake): Maria Cervania District 49 (Wake): Cynthia Ball District 50 (Caswell, Orange): Renee Price District 54 (Chatham, Randolph): Robert Reives District 56 (Orange): Allen Buansi District 57 (Guilford): Ashton Wheeler Clemmons District 61 (Guilford): Pricey Harrison Our Republican voter guides are being distributed at community events and as we knock on doors to talk to our neighbors. To keep up with this rapid growth and provide adequate recreational resurces, we must respond with commensurate funding for acquisition of land, construction of parks, greenways, and nature preserves. I will use my platform to raise awareness on the ways that residents can contribute to better air quality for our community. Thunderstorm brings down trees in Mecklenburg County. While the impact can be measured in economic terms, it is also an issue of equity, as socio-economically disadvantaged and communities of color are often disproportionately impacted, as reflected in data related to health outcomes. However, I am concerned and waiting to read more about and understand the plan's effort to address equity and access of opportunity for all of our citizens that includes blue collar and low income workers. Our air quality might not be great, but it was better than where he lived in China. ZTBkZWM5NzRmOTQwZDhlNTJjMmJjYjgzMTE5NDFhYWI4NDFmMzY5ZTcxYWM0 Again, this is a city issue so I would like to listen to what they think as they have more information than I do. This electoral structure favors candidates in the at-large positions who will be elected by the majority population of the county. Second, Mecklenburg County administers grants that help remove vehicles and off-road equipment using diesel and replace them with more efficient vehicles. Filing continues until noon March 4. The Board of County Commissioners must take the lead in the development and implementation of a strategic plan that is transparent, community-driven, has a focus on long-term management and provides a high level of accountability to ensure our staff has the adequate resources to meet the challenge. You may download and share our 2022 MeckGOP voter guide by clicking here. ZTAyMWI2ZjYwYjQyYzUxY2NiMWQ3NTc5MGJiM2U2MWUzMzdiZTY4ZDRhMWNm This is a repost. I support the Meck Playbook and to the extent possible, commit to reviewing all necessary data to determine the funding level I am willing to commit to. Previous applicants are still under consideration and do not need to reapply. However, I am concerned and waiting to read more about and understand the plan's effort to address equity and access of opportunity for all of our citizens that includes blue collar and low income workers. I am proud of that. "Although 51% of Mecklenburg's workforce comes from outside of the county, I still support most efforts to increase economic development opportunities for our city, county and region. I would like to see a designee from the County Manager to participate in the process. County Commission Districts District Attorney DATES & DEADLINES 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION ABSENTEE VOTING BEGINS MONDAY, MARCH 28 VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE FRIDAY, APRIL 22 IN-PERSON EARLY VOTING BEGINS THURSDAY, APRIL 28 DEADLINE TO REQUEST ABSENTEE BALLOT TUESDAY, MAY 10 IN-PERSON EARLY VOTING ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 14 Patricia {Pat) Cotham (D, At-Large)(i): Transportation falls under the city. Now that candidacy filing has closed and new dates are set, were looking at one of the most jam-packed local election years in recent memory, with city elections starting in spring followed by county, state and national elections in the fall (pending any further court appeals to the Feb. 23, court decision approving congressional maps, Charlotte Mayor, 2017-present; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2013-2017; assistant city manager, Consulting director, Lee Institute and Flynn Health Holt Leadership; Charlotte Housing Authority Moving Forward initiative; Committee of 21 transportation initiative; Charlotte-Mecklenburg African American Agenda; Achieve Together community-based advocacy education initiative, Affordable housing, economic development, community safety, Community safety, police reform, gun violence, Affordable housing, governmental transparency, environmental sustainability, Background in media and finance, married to CMPD officer, Owner, Universal Cab; sued the city in 2015 over alleged corruption in pay-to-play deal for taxis at the airport, Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; chair, Environment, Engagement and Equity Committee; vice-chair, Budget and Governance; former Charlotte Housing Authority board member, Certified Public Accountant, TIAA and Deloitte; Leadership Fellowship with the Institute of Political Leadership, Affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, infrastructure, Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2017-present; co-chair, Intergovernmental Relations Committee, Stagehand, member of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) union; board member with: My Brothers Keeper Charlotte-Mecklenburg, the Board of Trustees of the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, Smart Start of Mecklenburg County, Habitat for Humanitys Charlotte Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Charlotte City Council District 1 rep, 2017-present; chair, Safe Communities Committee; former president, Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former board member, Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association, Volunteer firefighter, Long Creek Volunteer Fire Department; former vice-chair, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission; former chair, Charlotte International Cabinet, Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 2011-2019; former member, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee; former president, Centralina Economic Development Committee, Member, International Minority Coalition; board member, LGBT Democrats of Mecklenburg County; former member, Immigrant Solidarity Committee; former member, Charlotte Community Justice Coalition; former executive board member, Human Rights Campaign; former board member, Charlotte Lesbian and Gay Fund, Property values, economic growth, community safety, Charlotte Mayor, 2013-14 (deposed after arrest on fraud charges); Charlotte City Council District 3 rep, 1993-2001; Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 2001-2013, Charlotte City Council at-large rep, 1999-2021, President and co-owner, RJ Leeper Construction, January 2021-July 2021.

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