glossary of religious terms
glossary of religious terms

Virtually all Christian theologians accepted predestination in some form or other, but the doctrine is particularly associated with Calvin and his followers, who believed that men and women played no co-operating role in their salvation - ie heaven could not be 'won' or 'lost' by any actions in this life. ecumenical: worldwide. The religious vow of chastity taken by brothers, sisters and priests in religious orders is a religious promise to God to live the virtue of chastity by not marrying and by abstaining from sexual activity. nun. As for your question, atheism covers both those lacking a belief in god(s) and those who claim there is no god. Some words I think are useful: pantheism, gentile. Diocesan, orsecular,priestsare under the direction of their local bishop. Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Technically, 'Catholic' means universal, and the creed recited by most Christians in this period affirms belief in 'the holy catholic church'. Anglicanism Eastern Catholic equivalent to adiocesein the Latin Church. the bible. Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. By canon law, he is also vicar general of the diocese. Eucharist: the sacrament of the Lords Supper, a rite in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in symbolic union with Christ. The termordinarywas formerly restricted to diocesan bishops and major superiors of religious orders, but it was expanded in the 1983Code of Canon Lawto include vicars general and episcopal vicars. As always, most appreciated. [1] or refer collectively to Christian majority countries or countries in which Christian civilization dominates [2] or nations in which Christianity is the established religion. -. Seearcheparchy. In the U.S., the Amish in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and other parts of the Midwest have maintained a strong sense of community and continue to insist on simplicity, rejecting the use of modern technology. Deity: (or a god) A postulated preternatural being, usually, but not always, of significant power, worshipped, thought holy, divine, or sacred, held in high regard, or respected by human beings. canon. Now an ecumenical group cooperating on some matter of general social benefit might include representatives from non-Christian religions. In addition, there is one non-territorial Eastern Church apostolate in the United States whose bishop is a member of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Also called chiliasm. When I was growing up in small town America, stories about religion were generally confined to the Saturday church pages in the local newspaper. Although this was published in 2010 and am just reading it now (2019) when i was looking for words associated with traditional religion for preparation of my lesson, i think i still find it educating and lucid. A national (or in a very few cases regional) body of bishops that meets periodically to collaborate on matters of common concern in their country or region, such as moral, doctrinal, pastoral and liturgical questions; relations with other religious groups; and public policy issues. Kudos for getting Immaculate Conception spot-on! Ill give some thoughts to how additional words might be grouped. Religious clergy live according to the rule of their respective orders. It is under the pastoral care of aneparch(bishop). Catholics, and most Protestants insisted on baptism of infants, and condemned Anabaptists who held there was no authority for this in scripture and practised adult baptism. Find Relig-ish: Soulful Living in a Spiritual-But-Not-Religious World - - Relig-ish: Soulful Living in a Spiritual-But-Not-Religious World This website uses cookies. Generally, it is more appropriate to refer to a Vatican dicastery by its more specific proper name: congregation, pontifical council, etc. May be a synonym forpriesthoodor may refer to the collective body of priests of a diocese or similar ecclesiastical jurisdiction. refers to the teaching of the thirteenth-century systematic theologian Thomas Aquinas, favoured by Catholics, but not Protestants. (3) Religion is an important facet of the lives of more than 3/4 of the world, perhaps we should think about writing about religion because it is so important, instead of always focusing on the controversial. In Catholicism, the Eucharist is believed to be entirely literal, not symbolic. Thelocalorparticular churchmeans the (arch)diocese, the community of faithful gathered around the altar under its bishop. The teaching affirms the central role and responsibility of the church to reach out to all people with the Gospel message while acknowledging that those who have not been apprised or convinced of that message may still be saved if they live upright lives in accord with their own convictions and understanding of God. Agnosticism is the position that the existence of god(s) is unknown or unknowable. The Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhismthe main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world.. I often read about Liberation Theology since I have studying about Comparative Religion. Children from a putative marriage are considered legitimate even if the marriage is later ruled to be invalid. jihad: a holy war on behalf of Islam. Adj. celibate. ), religious, the A laicized priest is barred from all priestly ministry with one exception: He may give absolution to someone in immediate danger of death. An acronym for anno domini, the year of the Lord. SeeCollege of Cardinals. (1) The canon of Sacred Scripture is the list of books recognized by the church as inspired by the Holy Spirit. In covering the church internationally, however, it is also important to realize that the Catholic Church and news agencies in many other nations useMsgr. Calvinism is the tradition of Christian faith and practice developed by the 16th century reformer John Calvin (1509-64) who emphasized the sole authority of scripture, the omnipotence and sovereignty of God, human sinfulness, and salvation by faith alone. clergy. Written by Eric Johnson. Adj. Religious priestsare professed members of a religious order or institute. The national membership organization of the Catholic bishops of the United States, through which they act collegially on pastoral, liturgical and public policy matters affecting the Catholic Church in the United States. He is presumed to have lived sometime in the period 2000-1700 BCE. Often a new bishop will present his letter of appointment to the priests of the diocese during a vespers service at the cathedral. connected with the teaching of St Augustine (354-430), probably the most important theological authority for both Catholics and Protestants in this period. Another comment: Atheist was defined in a disbelief in God. The religions have been chosen to reflect the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world. Dont you think the religion that most of your readers need to learn more about is Islam? The chancel is the part of church, often elevated by a few steps, where the altar and pulpit are located. pastor. mass, the You can update your cookie preferences at any time. Genesis says: A bishop assigned to a Catholic diocese or archdiocese to assist its residential bishop. animism: the belief that every material form of reality (plants, animals, stones, thunderstorms, earthquakes) have an indwelling spirit; often includes belief in the continued existence of individual disembodied human spirits capable of helping or harming the living. The personnel and offices through which (1) the pope administers the affairs of the universal church (the Roman Curia), or (2) a bishop administers the affairs of a diocese (the diocesan curia). Benedictines are members of monastic orders who live according to the Rule of St. Benedict, the 6th century monk of Monte Cassino in Italy whose teachings lie at the heart of monastic life, ancient and modern. Faith is a commitment of action or belief based on certain evidences, though all supporting facts remain unknown. Panentheism, Panentheist: (From the Greek pan-en-theos which means all-in-God) Like Pantheism, Panentheism includes the belief that God is in everything. He also held that justification did not make people good or righteous, but because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross God accepted them as if they were. The Church of England remained under papal authority until 1534 when Henry VIII declared himself the Supreme Head of the Church because of conflicts with Pope Clement VII. Journalists and school officials shouldnt have to tiptoe around religious topics. lay: not in holy orders. For the early Christians, a pagan was a believer in polytheistic religion. Youre right, there are plenty of other useful words. At ordination, a diocesan priest or unmarried deacon in the Latin rite Catholic Church makes a promise of celibacy. regular clergy In the Catholic Church, the diaconate is the first of three ranks in ordained ministry. ?the one who just disbelieves in God, or the one who claims there is no god??? Angels are a class of supernatural or spiritual beings, imaginatively understood to perform various functions on Gods behalf. Antichrist The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, and Protestant churches including Lutherans and Methodists, have bishops. Secondarily, church refers to the building housing such a community or to a particular communion or denomination of the Christian tradition. most commonly used to signify Christians recognising spiritual authority of the pope. The Schleitheim Confession (1527) also rejects military service, violence, and the swearing of oaths by conscientious Christians. In most news uses,Vaticanis synonymous withHoly See: A Holy See representative is a Vatican representative, a congregation of the Holy See is a Vatican congregation, etc. Most serve in the parishes of the diocese, but they may also be assigned to other diocesan posts and ministries or be released for service outside the diocese. Refers to a bishop or groups of bishops, or to the form of church governance in which ordained bishops have authority. Catholics also recognize the mainline Orthodox churches as churches; and until the recent ordination of women in several Old Catholic churches of the Union of Utrecht, the Catholic Church had recognized Union of Utrecht churches as churches. Immaculate Conception: the Roman Catholic doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin (the sin of Adam and Eve conveyed to all human beings). The personnel and offices assisting the bishop in directing the pastoral activity, administration and exercise of judicial power of a diocese. One may hope that even more experienced journalists will find one or two new insights here. For theonyms, or the names and epithets of gods, see List of Roman deities. The distinction was sometimes blurred in practice. Christendom - In a cultural sense, it refers to the religion itself, or to the worldwide community of Christians, adherents of Christianity. Jesus Christ. For public religious holidays, see Roman festivals. Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. On Azusa Street in Los Angeles was the mission church of black Holiness preacher William J. Seymour where one of the most important streams of pentecostalism had its genesis in revivals that took place between 1905 and 1913. Catholics/Catholicism This term sets my teeth on edge, especially when used as a shorthand definition as you have done. This is the sort of information that Westerners would benefit from reading not definitions of mainstream Christian terms or jihad or pagan. This is a glossary of terms used in Christianity. Other purposes have included religious ceremonies to accumulate wealth, avoid danger, or eliminate enemies. For additional quotes on these topics, see Bill McKeever's book or CD edition of In Their Own Words.And for a 13-minute podcast covering Mormon terminology, go here. Assign learning activities including Practice, Vocabulary Jams and Spelling Bees to your students, and monitor their progress in real-time. Terms are capitalized only if they are always capitalized. In the United States well over 30,000 such lay ministersan average of more than 1.6 per parish nationwideare employed by Catholic parishes in full- or part-time positions of more than 20 hours a week. Auxiliary bishops and bishops in Vatican service are examples of those given titular sees. secular: worldly, not sacred. schism A separate but parallelCode of Canons of the Eastern Churches, issued in 1990, governs the Eastern Catholic churches. 'Roman Catholic' can be used after about 1560. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Daily Writing Tips, a Found First Marketing company. Unless some legal distinction between a Latin rite diocese and an Eastern Church eparchy is relevant to a news report, in most cases it is appropriate to refer to an eparchy as a diocese and to its leader as a bishop. The central act of worship in the Catholic Church. Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Native American Traditions Glossary Terms. Paatal: Also termed as nether world, it is the underground world and is one of the three lokas. Both the Catholic and Protestant churches recognised the concept, though the Catholics had more developed mechanisms (Inquisition, Index of forbidden books) for punishing it. The word is also used to describe a type of Christian belief that emphasizes the inerrancy of scripture and salvation through personal conversion. Angels are especially described as divine messengers. iconography iconographical). The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Anglican: relating to the Church of England. With the publication of the model syllabuses for religious education, and the work involving the faithcommunities in Britain, it was felt to be an appropriate time for revision. In Catholic practice done through confession to a priest (auricular confession) who confers absolution. The shared responsibility and authority that the whole college of bishops, headed by the pope, has for the teaching, sanctification and government of the church. archeparchy. Whether youre a teacher or a learner, The archbishop who heads that province is called themetropolitan, but usually only in contexts referring to him in his capacity as head of the province. Penance is also used to mean the action required to demonstrate true repentance: 'doing penance' by saying prayers, fasting etc. Theuniversal churchthe meaning ofcatholic church, lowercasedis the communion of all those particular churches spread throughout the world who are in union with the bishop of Rome and who share in fidelity to apostolic teaching and discipleship to Christ. Whether we care about it or not, we ought to be able to read and write about religion with some understanding of the terminology. arguments used to justify something, typically a religious doctrine. pagan This is a term difficult to define in even such a superficial treatment as this. Those terms, which are not used in church law, should be restricted to forcible laicizations, since they connote a penalty. King was assassinated in 1968. The highest order of ordained ministry in Catholic teaching. But in general, Catholics refer to nuns asSister, religious brothers asBrotherand priests asFather, and those religious titles take precedence over whatever job titles they might hold, such as pastor, chancellor, vicar general, associate pastor, executive director. Often associated with a 'hard' line over grace [qv], stressing that people can do little by their own efforts, and everything comes from God. Ecclesialis reserved to those who are in church-recognized leadership positions, generally certified to represent the church in their area of expertise after appropriate human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation. Now it can be administered to anyone who is seriously or chronically ill. see. The Rev. asceticism: a mode of life that excludes physical pleasures and self-indulgence. The belief that the entire universe - substances, forces and laws -- is God - the universe is God's body. Thanks for this. vow. -. the sacrament [qv] in which bread and wine is blessed or consecrated and then consumed (the communion).

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